We live in a world with challenging, ever changing geo-political, economic and environmental pressures. Government policy and priorities must evolve to anticipate and meet the needs of citizens.
Sound, creative policy analysis and development are essential to good governance and the well-being of citizens. Governments and NGOs must constantly identify and evaluate policy options for decision-making. Evidence-based policy and decision-making utilizes sound data and research methods, clarity of thinking and creative problem solving. Human rights due diligence should be a part of strategic planning, policy development and evaluation.
Human rights due diligence - an essential part of policy development
Human rights due diligence is an essential part of legislative, policy and program development. This is because human rights education, promotion and compliance mechanisms support peace, security, good governance and the well being of all citizens.
All governments have legal obligations to ensure human rights are respected and upheld in their decisions.
In addition, governments have responsibilities to promote human rights by non-government actors such as businesses. For example, human rights impacts on Indigenous peoples must be considered in government approval processes for major projects.
The role and impact of businesses on the enjoyment of human rights is an area of emerging standards at the international level. A few examples include:
I offer services and expertise in:
- policy and legislative development
- concept papers and policy analysis
- research and analysis to support commissions, task forces, working groups
- design and implementation of advocacy and engagement strategies
- human rights due diligence including gender-based analysis, inter-sectional analysis and the rights of Indigenous peoples.